Hollows in old trees

Hollows normally only develop after trees are at least 100 years old which is why we value old growth forest  so highly. This old Messmate (Eucalyptus obliqua) has a large hollow with a horizontal cut across the top and evidence of fire inside the tree. There are indications that the tree may have been used by Indigenous people for eel smoking. This could be similar to the hollow tree found by Dr Heather Builth in her work with the Gunditjamara in Western Victoria.

14.1 Scar tree 1

Hollows  develop as a result of some damage to the tree which may be natural due to fire, wind, insect invasion, limb drop or due to human activity.  Fungal invasion will occur after physical damage resulting in the development of hollows.

Homes for wildlife

Hollows provide protection for numerous different fauna e.g. sugar gliders, antechinus, powerful owls and parrots.


Powerful Owl,  Ninox strenua

Please keep to the path at all times to protect this habitat.


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